The IUT Saint-Dié-des-Vosges is a component of the University of Lorraine. Its IT Department trains applications developers in three streams breaking down as follows in 2017/2018:
• Two-year diploma (DUT) in Computing: 95 students (52 in the first year and 43 in the second).
• Professional degree in “;Internet and Mobile Media (I2M)”: 18 students.
• Professional degree in “Sound and Image Techniques - 3D Computer Graphics”: 17 students.
Continuing the momentum of a first partnership with the IUT in Amiens, the partnership that 4D has initiated with the IUT in Saint-Dié-des-Vosges is headed for the same success.
« The recruitment system implemented by 4D with their partner developers and IUTs is really good for students as they benefit from special internship opportunities geared to their training »
Emmanuel Medina a professional contract teacher in the IT department at IUT Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, head of the Internet and Mobile Media (I2M) professional degree course, 4D developer at Neotech