The Fränkisches Seenland tourism association in the south of Germany markets and coordinates the tourisic offers of the entire region of Franconian Sees, located in the southwest of Nurmberg. The agency has been using 4D-based TouristX for all touristic tasks for the supra-regional tourism administration and accommodation bookings. TouristX is the only vacancy information system in this large region, managing and cross-linking around 1500 hotels, guesthouses, pensions and holiday apartments, with over 8000 rooms in three districts. TouristX's allows the addition of new regions and sub-regions into the network without any extra work. The huge statistical possibilities of the system are important tools for strategic and investment decisions. They have resulted in measurable improvements in the booking rates of the managed regions. TouristX is used from small communities up to big cities and entire supra-regional touristic alliances.