Level Up your 4D Skills by JPR

Take your 4D skills to the next level and get an in-depth look at how you can build even more efficient business applications.
In this training session with JPR, a 4D expert for more than 35 years, you'll learn advanced techniques and best practices to improve your business application.
At the end of this extensive training, you will know how to make powerful, fast, efficient, and scalable applications.
Who should attend this session?
4D developers who want to get the most out of the latest feature-releases and discover the advanced possibilities of using the most up-to-date 4D versions and technologies.
What's covered in this session?
Day 1: Classes and beyond
- Declaring variables as Class-specific objects, be prepared for the future.
- Custom Classes are used for generic operations.
- Extending DataClasses for optimization: Why & How.
- Using Classes to implement Generic Interface Components.
- Computed attribute optimizations.
- Using Aliases to optimize C/S operations.
Day 2: Extreme ListBox & Subforms programming
- Using ListBox with its full power is an art.
- Complete exploration of different interface solutions using advanced techniques on Listboxes.
- Listboxes and Collections, dynamic programming.
- Listboxes and Data Components, the easy implementations.
- Dynamic Subforms and Objects, a powerful wedding.
- plus a lot of tips, tricks & techniques.
Day 3: Client-Server optimizations
- Why is preemptive programming a thing you must master.
- Use of Shared Entity Selections.
- Sharing complex tasks.
- Signal VS Messaging: What to choose and when.
- Optimizing the Data Transfer in C/S
- How to get the best of the Client Cache.
- Measuring the Client Cache.
- Extending DataStore for optimization of Data Transfer: Why & How.
- Moving operations to the server or not? Explanations and examples of the use of the "Local" keyword.
Day 4: Moving from Classic to MVC
- The MVC (Model-View-Controler) concept: Description, examples in ORDA.
- The CSR (Client-Server Rendering) concept in modern 4D programming.
- The HMVC (Hierarchical model–view–controller) concept: Applying CSR in 4D using ORDA Classes.
- The Data Components in Customer-Supplier relationship, using CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) through Classes.
- The Data Component concept in DDS (Data Distribution Service), using a publish-subscribe pattern.
- How MVC enhances network security.
- Comparison between different solutions
The course of the training
The training takes place over four days with a 150-minute session per day with Q&A. For the first 3 days, you'll attend a 2-hour presentation and a 30-minute Q&A at the end. On Day 4, the session will be a 90-minute presentation and an extended 1-hour Q&A at the end.
Not sure if you're ready for this training?
No problem - we've got 4D Summit 2020 - Advanced Training to get you started at the advanced level.
Session materials
- Example application source code for each part of the training
- Measurement and analysis tools
- PDF Files explaining the important points of the example applications
- The Keynote or Powerpoint presentations used during the training
- Video recording of the four sessions

The training is available OnDemand on the 4D Store, so you can watch it on your schedule, instantly.