Basma El yaagoubi (Web & Mobile Software Engineer - 4D Logiciels 4D SAS) Basma El yaagoubi is a software engineer graduate having experience in various programming languages including web, mobile and desktop technologies until it was time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings with 4D, through her End of Study Project (PFE) which consisted of developing an IDE facilitating the coding for developers. She has been a fullstack developer at 4D since then, with the main role of developing & maintaining new features for various comprehensive applications platforms as well as UI modularization for the same features, maximizing conversion across multiple platforms while ensuring adherence to the application’s quality control, handling change management and compliance. In order to taste experience to the utmost, Basma reaches out eagerly for newer and richer experience such as holding training programs for clients as well as developing the content strategy for the same training programs.